Wheel Guns - Who Needs Them?

I have a confession to make - I am a semi-automatic snob. Always have been, and probably always will be. I have a working knowledge of revolvers and could use one to defend myself or others - if push came to shove. But with that said, I've never been a big fan of them. The limited ammo capacity has always been a put off - and like most younger guys - I've had most of my shooting experiences with polymer framed - striker fired pistols. Hell, I've carried one every single day for the last decade. Hey - plastic fantastic right?!!
But after a colleague here at Forged From Freedom, who happens to be a wheel gun guy, told me I wasn't getting the full shooting experience by avoiding revolvers- I had to seriously consider his words. Was I truly missing out? Do I need seriously need to take a harder look at something so steeped in antiquity? Well - truthfully - yes. As much as it pains me to admit - as a true believer in the second amendment - and a self pro-claimed "good guy" I feel it is my duty to be able to defend myself and those around me with WHATEVER firearm I can get my hands on - and do so as proficiently and efficiently as possible.
So - I'm fixin' to purchase a revolver and share my experiences with all of you. (Just don't tell my wife I'm buying a new gun.) Now after shooting and carrying it - will I change my mind and carry a revolver as my new EDC weapon? Probably not. But never one to shy away from a challenge - we will go down that rabbit hole together. I better start studying up.
- Agent M